The performing arts professions, like many other professional fields, suffer from a lack of representativeness in its ranks (diversity of origins and socio-economic backgrounds). This state of affairs is due to multiple historical and structural factors. The Manufacture wishes to pay particular attention to this problem by guaranteeing accessibility to its entrance auditions to people from all social, economic and cultural backgrounds.
The Manufacture claims equal access, treatment and opportunity for women and men within its staff. It is very attentive to the fair treatment of individuals and to the representativeness of the teaching, administrative and technical staff. Through various statistical monitoring, the control set up allows regular adjustments, if necessary, of this representativeness.
As an educational institution and an employer, the Manufacture is committed to protecting the personality and dignity of all its students and staff. Every member of staff and every student is entitled to correct and respectful treatment from superiors, teachers, colleagues and outside contributors. Everyone's physical and psychological integrity must be respected. A directive has been in force since 1 January 2020 and is available to staff and students, as are the contacts of external persons of trust.
The Manufacture has not yet developed a definitive policy of adapting its curricula or infrastructures with a view to welcoming people with disabilities wishing to undertake training in the disciplines taught by the Manufacture. Nevertheless, it wishes to be able to welcome any person who so desires and who is selected after the audition tests for the courses. Thus, La Manufacture strongly encourages any person to contact the school's administration, at the time of enrolment, to inform it of any specific needs and to imagine together the best possible adaptation to each situation.
La Manufacture wishes to create an inclusive culture that not only protects its LGBTIQ* students, apprentices and employees, but also allows them to flourish - regardless of their gender expression, gender identity, affective and sexual orientation or family configuration. As a small school, La Manufacture is committed to listening to this diversity and asserts its openness by constantly questioning the issue of inclusiveness.
Your rights
A brochure from the University of Geneva's Law Clinic, updated in September 2019, provides the main information on the rights of LGBT people in Switzerland. It attempts to answer the main legal questions LGBT people have, but it does not replace the advice of a lawyer or the support of associations.
Change of name and identity
An amendment to the Swiss Civil Code provides for the possibility for trans* or gender variant persons to have their gender and first name changed quickly and easily in the civil register. A simple declaration to the civil status office will suffice for this purpose, without prior medical examinations being required or other conditions having to be met. This change should come into force at the beginning of 2022.
At La Manufacture, a simplified procedure for the change of name of use is proposed for people who wish to have this change applied in the school's communications. To apply, simply contact the Academic Affairs Coordinator, who will explain the process.
* LGBTIQ people: lesbian, gay, bi, trans*, intersex, queer or questioning people.
Contacts at La Manufacture :
Valérie Grand, Equality-Diversity Respondent
Laura Rehm, Academic Affairs and Quality Development Coordinator
Antenne Santé – consultation for matriculated students
Ludovic Vulliemin, Mediator for apprentices, for questions related to the auditions
Contact at Secrétariat général du Département de la formation, de la jeunesse et de la culture (DFJC) de l’Etat de Vaud :
Dre Caroline Dayer, Expert on homophobia and transphobia in educational settings
Associations et organisations actives dans le canton de Vaud
Suisse romande et faîtières nationales
Autres cantons
- Brochure de l’UNIGE pour les questions des droits des personnes LGBTQI+