BA-Danse · promo E : présentation de fin d'atelier avec Mark Lorimer
For four weeks, the choreographer and the 2nd year students, promotion E, started with a very simple sequence of twelve steps, which they gradually transformed through improvisation work, individual and collective, until they reached complex sentences.
The end-of-workshop performance was based on this choreographic material transmitted by Mark Lorimer, mixed with the improvisation work of the students, on the Trio Sonata No.5 by Jan Dismas Zelenka.
Atelier dirigé par Mark Lorimer
avec Léa Samira Bernath, Emmelien Chemouny, Yohann Closuit, Matteo Divorne, Julian Gypens, Marie Jeger, Eva Lambillon, Maira Nett, Camilla Teixeira de Oliveira, Emma Saba, Melissa Valette, Sébastien Veszely, Aisi Zhou
Technique : Ian Lecoultre
Photos : Gregory Batardon