21.09.24 | La Manufacture |
The Manufacture opens its doors to the public
10am - 11.15am: Discovery workshops of your choice
11.30am - 12.45pm: Discovery workshops of your choice
12pm - 2.30pm: Catering available on site
From 1.15pm: Guided tours of the buildings and workspaces (departures every 30 minutes)
2:00pm: Speech by the Director, Frédéric Plazy
2:30 - 4:30pm: Presentation of the school and its courses of study
5pm: Presentation of Mathilde Monnier's show 20 ans et le monde, created to mark the 20th anniversary of La Manufacture.
Free entry, registration for workshops strongly recommended
25.03 - 27.03.2025
The 3rd year students of the Bachelor Theatre, promotion N, invite you to discover their graduation works created in autonomy.
28.03 - 29.03.2025
Students from the O year of the Bachelor's in Theatre present the fruit of their work with director Anne Montfort.
11.04 - 16.04.2025
The 1st and 2nd year students in La Manufacture's Bachelor's degree in Contemporary Dance invite you to discover the fruits of their creative work with choreographers Mark Lorimer, Stavroula Siamou and Sophia Rodrigues.
26.05 - 27.05.2025
The 2nd year students of the Bachelor in Contemporary Dance - promo H invite you to discover their stage creations, created in small groups.